Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality

Hey everyone,

We’ve joined the itch.io bundle for racial justice and equality in an effort to help raise money for the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund and Community Bail Fund. As of 3:56 on Saturday, itch.io has raised $1,013,090.27 for these two funds, and that’s like the coolest thing ever. For $5 or more, you can grab enough indie games to last you a lifetime, and the money goes to a good cause.

It was what, 2007 when video recording became common on cell phones? Even if we round up to 2010, that’s still a full decade of video documenting police brutality and racism all across America. A decade of watching officers play judge, jury, and executioner, a decade of angry phone calls because fragile racists wanted to throw some power around.

And nothing has changed.


I’m not Nostradamus, and I am naive in my own way, but something about the anger going on right now feels like it will not be stopped until major swaths of the country see reform. There is no other alternative, and we should accept no other alternative.

We stand with the protestors, and we stand for change. It’s not much, just some angry words and a video game, but we do hope this will help in the end. And we absolutely thank itch.io for starting this and letting us—and the 560+ other developers—be part of it.

Stay safe, have fun, and black lives matter.
